Social Work Services

Social Work Services

Social Expert Assessments

Our Independent Social Workers (ISWs) specialise in assessments such as Parenting Assessments, Viability Assessments, SGO Assessments, and Form F Assessments. We ensure that our ISWs meet high standards and can produce high-quality, evidence-based reports by subjecting them to a rigorous vetting process. They receive regular quality reflective supervision to improve their performance, and their reports undergo quality assurance checks by a dedicated manager with years of experience in front-line child protection and safeguarding and an added experience in the Children’s Quality Assurance Department.

Supervised Contacts

We facilitate community-based contact supervision and handovers between parents going through private family proceedings.

Emergency Out-of-Hours Services for Children and Adult Social Care.

FSPcare provides services for Local Authorities Out of Hours and Emergency Duty teams to respond to crises or pre-planned events during weekends or out-of-hours. Our services include welfare and monitoring visits by Family Support Workers or qualified Social Workers, hospital visits, acting as appropriate adults, facilitating the moving of children into placements, and crisis intervention for parents to manage young persons with challenging behaviours and prevent children from coming into Local Authority care.

Social Work Consultancy

Our organization offers guidance and support to social workers in different stages of their careers, such as Newly Qualified Social Workers (NQSW), Qualified Social Workers, and International Social Workers. We are dedicated to helping them realize their full potential by providing coaching, mentoring, career advice, interview preparation, and reflective supervision. We will connect you with an experienced social worker who will serve as your companion throughout your journey.

Contact Us

  • 124 City Road London EC1V 2NX
  • 07535016221

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    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)
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